12 Brochure Design Tips For the Modern Graphic Designer

Brochure Design Tips For the Modern Graphic Designer

What separates a modern graphic designer from an earlier one is the use of technology. Graphic designers in today’s world must be proficient in more than just design software; they also need to be skilled in web design, video editing, and other forms of multimedia. Additionally, modern graphic designers must be able to work with a wide range of clients, from small businesses to large corporations. They must also be able to manage multiple projects simultaneously and meet tight deadlines.

Modern graphic designers have their work cut out for them. In addition to being skilled in traditional design software, they must also be proficient in web design and video editing. Additionally, they must be able to work with a wide range of clients and manage multiple projects simultaneously. With all these demands on their time and skills, it’s important that they have a few brochure design tips up their sleeves.

Here are 12 big brochure design tips for the modern graphic designer:


1. Keep your leaflet design simple.

When creating a brochure, it’s important to keep things simple. Too much text or too many graphics can make the brochure difficult to read and understand. Stick to a concise message and use simple fonts and graphics.

2. Use colors wisely.

Colours can be used to evoke different emotions in people, so it’s important to use them wisely in your brochure design. Cool colours such as blue and green can be used to suggest reliability and professionalism, while warm colours such as red and yellow can be used to create a sense of excitement or urgency.

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3. Use typography effectively in your online brochure design.

Typefaces can be used to create different tones and styles for your brochure. Serif typefaces are typically used for body text because they are easy to read, while sans-serif typefaces are often used for headings and titles because they are more modern and stylish.

4. Use images sparingly.

While images can be used to add visual interest to a brochure, it’s important not to use too many of them. Too many images can make the brochure look cluttered and unprofessional. Choose carefully which images to use and make sure they support the overall message of the brochure.

5. Balance text and graphics.

When designing a brochure, it’s important to create a balance between text and graphics. Too much text can make the brochure look boring, while too many graphics can make it difficult to read. Try to find a happy medium where there is just enough text to support the graphics without overwhelming them.

6. Use whitespace effectively in the catalog design.

Whitespace is the empty space around elements on a page. It can be used to make elements stand out more, or to create a sense of order and symmetry on the page. When designing your brochure, use whitespace effectively to improve the overall aesthetics of the document.

7. Think about your target audience.

Before you start designing your brochure, take some time to think about your target audience. What is the age group? What are their interests? What are their needs? Once you have a good idea of who your target audience is, you can tailor your design to appeal to them.

8. Use typography to create a visual hierarchy.

A visual hierarchy is a way of organizing elements on a page so that the most important elements are at the top and the least important elements are at the bottom. When designing your brochure, use typography to create a visual hierarchy so that readers know which elements are most important.

9. Keep your creative brochure design consistent.

When designing a brochure, it’s important to keep things consistent throughout the document. Use the same fonts, colours, and layout throughout the brochure to create a unified look.

10. Use layout and design principles.

Layout and design principles are the rules that govern how elements should be arranged on a page. When designing your brochure, use these principles to create a well-organized and visually appealing document.

11. Proofread your company brochure design.

Before sending your brochure off to be printed, make sure you proofread it carefully. Check for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies. Nothing looks worse than a poorly proofread brochure.

12. Get feedback from others.

It’s always a good idea to get feedback from others before finalizing your brochure design. Show your designs to friends, family members, and colleagues and ask them for their opinion. Are they drawn to certain elements? Do they find the text easy to read? Getting feedback from others can help you make final adjustments to your design before printing it.


Designing a brochure can be tricky. So many design principles, typography options, and layout decisions make it easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with some well-designed planning, you’ll find that designing your own brochure is much easier than you might have thought. To get started on the right foot, use these 12 tips for modern graphic designers when creating your next marketing campaign!

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