Smartphones have been an essential part of living for a lot of us, but unfortunately, some have become inseparable and are glued to their devices, and this can be concerning. Excessive tech usage, especially the internet, has been linked to mental health issues like anxiety and depression, and the convenience of smartphones can help perpetuate an issue that often goes under-reported because it’s the norm. However, good management skills in regards to how much you use your smartphone can be applied to anyone, and here you will learn some useful tips that can help you live happier and healthier while still being able to enjoy your device.
1. Turn Off Your Notifications
It is said that individuals, on average, check their phones anywhere from 100 to 200 times per day, and the constant sound dings or vibrations when a notification occurs contribute greatly to that number.
Texting and social media are some of the biggest culprits of excessive smartphone use and they are not as harmless as you might think. These notifications can become very distracting and cause you to lose focus, especially during important tasks like work, driving, or parenting. You can find additional tips about the latter here:
In some people, phone-checking can also create a sense of anxiety or impulsivity; seeing or hearing an indicator on their phone causes an irresistible urge to check it.
Now, this isn’t healthy at all, and if you find yourself becoming less productive because your phone or the pinging sound is making you anxious, it’s best to silence your notifications, or if possible, turn off the phone entirely.
2. Avoid Checking It While Socializing
It has become somewhat of a habit for a lot of people to be on their phones while in the company of others.
Depending on who you are spending time with, it may or may not be seen as disrespectful, but it does distract you from the people who are right in front of you.
This can especially be problematic if you are gathering at a place that is supposed to be more intimate or facilitate conversation, such as a restaurant.
Checking your texts, email, or social media might not seem like a big deal to you, and you might not even realize you’re doing it out of compulsion, but it does take away from the quality time you could be having, especially if others notice you scrolling through your phone while a conversation is going on.
3. Don’t Use It Too Close To Bedtime
While it’s quite common for people to read or watch videos online while they are winding down and trying to go to sleep, looking at your phone might be causing some problems in that regard.
Like other electronics, your phone will stimulate the brain, particularly if your screen is very bright. This actually can make you feel more alert and prevent you from relaxing to your fullest.
It is recommended that you turn off all of your gadgets 30 minutes to one hour prior to laying down for bed, and if you have to, you can try to put your phone in a different room or at least out of reach to prevent you from picking it up.
By doing so, you can fall asleep quicker and have better quality sleep, which will improve your overall mood and wellbeing.
Smartphones are extremely convenient by allowing us to do many things with our fingertips, but sometimes it’s important to know when to set it down and focus on what’s most important around you. Hopefully, this article has shown you some ways where you can start practicing better habits in regard to your smartphone use and feel more independent and more productive.