6 Practical Things That You Can Do With Your Smart Phone

Things That You Can Do With Your Smart Phone

There’s a good reason why the phrase, There’s An App For That™ is so popular that Apple trademarked it back in 2009. Most people recognize the smart phone’s entertainment value since you can play games, watch TV shows and videos, and play favorite music. But, smartphones are more than glorified toys. They also make practical aspects of life much easier.

Things That You Can Do With Your Smart Phone

If you still go to your computer to run your life, check out the following practical things that you can accomplish on the device that’s as close as your pocket. Of course, if you prefer a larger screen, these generally work on tablets as well even though you might need to bypass your pocket in favor of a shoulder bag.

#1. Financial Transactions

Do you need to deposit a check or buy and sell investments? Virtually every banking and investment institution provides smartphone apps so you can handle your money matters on the fly. Granted, you cannot obtain cash this way, but there is little need for cash in this electronic age.

Before you go whole-hog with this option, be very aware that security concerns abound even though news stories about data theft directly from phones are rare. That said, your financial institutions probably already include security protection in their apps. You obviously must learn how well they protect you, however, and make your own security practices a habit.

#2. Shopping

It seems like more and more stores, from gas stations to warehouses are offering checkout-by-phone options. Some Amazon stores make it impossible to shop without a smart phone. In fact, your phone can help you do much more beyond the checkout line.

For example, budget-conscious shoppers can use the internet to check for lower prices elsewhere before making an in-store purchase. Additionally, placing a pricey item into an online shopping list can help you delay purchases until you have saved the money. As an extra benefit, many people discover that they do not really buy these items once they put a bit of distance between first sight of an item and actually making the purchase, so time really is money.

#3. Travel

It’s no secret that your smartphone will get you through the airport faster. You may not realize, however, that your phone can help you every day that you’re out and about.

If you want to make sure that you’ll enjoy every restaurant, there are plenty of review sites that can inform you of the best affordable options. To get through local areas or museums, you don’t need a personal tour guide. Instead, consider looking for an online tour to tell you what you’re looking at and where to go next. Do you need help in a store? If you don’t speak the language, any number of online translators can help you get your question across and understand the answer.

#4. Conduct Business

Screen size might be an issue for some activities, but most popular business software now works on your smart phone, too. You can run word processing and spreadsheets, and attend meetings, complete with visuals.

Between texting and email, keeping in touch with co-workers and customers is effortless, even if you have to pull your car over to conduct business safely. Plus, if you happen to work in an industry that requires sending or receiving faxes numerous online options provide an elegant replacement for bulky fax machines.

#5. Help the Kids Through School

There is a surprising number of apps for middle-schoolers to use to help them in school. The apps, which can easily apply to older students, help with note-taking. Plus, they help kids understand all imaginable classroom subjects and even play piano. As a general rule, many apps are designed for use on tablet computers, but many are great for smart phones, too … as long as students resist the temptation to text illicit notes to their classmates.

Your phone helps you keep an appropriately-watchful eye on your child’s activities, too. Whether the school nurse needs your help getting the child home when illness strikes, or a teacher wants to reach you, notification is instantaneous.

#6. Do the Basics

It’s easy to forget that your device is still a phone. To avoid conversation from becoming a lost art, why not pick up the phone just to talk? You might be surprised that an old-fashioned chat session, complete with verbal intonation and laughter, is amazingly satisfying.

Of course, the world is full of unexpected visuals that call out for pictures and videos. So, be prepared to use your phone to capture images of anything from a herd of antelopes in the park to unusual statues that you pass during your daily walk. In the event of dangerous situations, however, a call to 911 is generally more important than capturing video evidence, so make the call before obtaining visual keepsakes.

So Much to Do, So Little Size

It’s hard to imagine how we lived full lives before the invention of smart phones. Whether you just want to stay in touch, or even if you want to invent world peace, chances are that There’s An App For That™.

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