China Imposes Gaming Curfew for Minors to Combat Addiction

China Imposes Gaming Curfew for Minors

Finally, the Chinese government has responded to the ever-growing problem of video game addiction in kids. They have announced a curfew on online gaming for minors aged under 18. Starting 7th November, no kid will be able to play their favorite online video games between 10 pm and 8 am. This timeslot seems to be when most junior gamers binge on video games without their parent’s consent. 

This step from the Chinese officials will surely put an end to the misery gaming addicts over the nation are going through. Furthermore, they released a statement informing online gaming platforms in the country to abide by the new rules.

The rule also prohibits someone aged under 18 from playing an online video game over 90 minutes. Although, minor gamers can play up to 3 hours on weekends and national holidays. This rule applies all over the country.

Furthermore, just like the Social Security Card in the United States, the Chinese government identifies each citizen with an identity card called Resident Identity Card. Resident Identity Card has a unique number on it which acts as a personal identification number in the People’s Republic of China.

A gamer has to enter his/her ID while signing in to the online game. This is how the Chinese officials keep track of the video gaming related activities of their citizens. 

Also, there are restrictions placed on how much a gamer can spend on online games

To add to the misery of online gamers, the Chinese government has also placed restrictions on how much a gamer can spend each month. I get that the new law is meant to help an addict with their long term addiction, but the whole news came as a shock and I guess people were not prepared for it.

As a result of this sudden incursion, even gamers in other countries are beginning to panic. No kid wants to lose his/her right to play video games; as much as and whenever they want. 

According to the statement released by the officials, a gamer aged between 8 and 16 are only allowed to spend 200 Chinese Yuan($28.51) per month on online game top-ups, whereas, people above 16 can spend 400 Chines Yuan($57.01).

This is a huge blow for both local and international gaming companies who see China as one of the largest markets in the world–as their population is equivalent to 18.59% of the total world population.

The Chinese officials felt this curfew was absolutely needed

After the notice was published, an official in charge of the State Press and Publication Administration spoke at-length with the Xinhua News Agency, Beijing. The officials believe that this new law will help the minor who are addicted to playing online video games.

Further, he said the games are meant to be for leisure and entertainment purposes only. Misuse of such recreational activity cannot be tolerated. Something had to be done to protect them from the physical and mental health hazards of online video game addiction.

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