It is quite common for gamers to encounter CLR20r3 Error on their Mac computers. These days, both Pro and hobbyist gamers are willing to go to any lengths to make a game work on their computers. With the surge in the number of forums and other gaming-related platforms, there is no shortage of cheat codes, hacks, tips, and tricks.
Often, the configuration of the machine fails to meet the standard set by the game developers. A simple hardware upgrade would solve the issue in such a case. But in this post, we are talking about an error caused due to running a virtual operating system on a Mac computer.
What is CLR20r3 Error?
As I mentioned earlier, the CLR20r3 Error is commonly encountered by gamers trying to install their games on a machine by hook and crook. For instance, Magic: The Gathering Arena (also known as MTG Arena) is a free-to-play digital collectible card game for a Windows PC. Unfortunately, there is no version available for Mac users.
To make it work on a Mac, gamers have to install a virtual version of Windows on their Mac computers. To run a copy of Windows on a Mac, Apple has provided an in-built utility known as Boot Camp. When installing a genuine copy of Windows via Boot Camp, gamers can play the MTG Arena without any issues. Except sometimes they encounter CLR20r3 Error.
What are the Possible Causes of the CLR20r3 Error
1) Trying to run a program on Windows via Boot Camp and not having the latest version of the NET Framework installed.
2) Trying to run an application on an outdated version of Windows.
3) Running the LaunchBox app on Windows via Boot Camp.
4) Running an application on a corrupted Windows operating system.
5) Running an application on a virus-infected Windows machine.
What Does a User See When They Encounter the CLR20r3 Error?
It is essential to know exactly what other users have also encountered this Error see on their machines. This is why I am sharing an error message displayed when a Reddit user (u/Camcongab) was trying to run the MTG Arena on a virtual Windows operating system.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: mtgalauncher.exe
Problem Signature 02: 0.1.856.856
Problem Signature 03: 5bb6659a
Problem Signature 04: MtgaLauncher
Problem Signature 05: 0.1.856.856
Problem Signature 06: 5bb6659a
Problem Signature 07: 1
Problem Signature 08: 0
Problem Signature 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Here are the Easy-To-Implement Troubleshooting Techniques to Get Rid of the CLR20r3 Error
1) Update the Windows 10 Operating System,
On encountering the CLR20r3 Error, the first course of action should be to download and install the latest updates in your Windows 10 machine (even if you are using Windows via Boot Camp utility). You mustn’t miss out on any of the updates (even the optional ones).
Follow the steps given below to update your Windows 10 operating system.
Step 1:
Open Windows Settings by first clicking on the Windows Start icon located at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Further, you will see a drop-down menu. Click on the option with the gear icon. You can also open Settings by typing the keyword in the search box located next to the Start icon.
Step 2:
A new window will appear. Scroll down till you see Update & Security. Click on it.
Step 3:
In the left pane, click on the first option named “Windows Update.”
Step 4:
As you can see from the above screenshot, there is a button labeled “check for updates.” Click on it to begin downloading all the latest updates for your Windows 10 operating system. The system might also show you all the available updates sequentially (in the form of a list).
To begin the download, make sure you check every item on the list. Also, install the updates once the download is complete.
Step 5:
The machine will display a pop message asking you to restart the computer either now or schedule it for the future. Select Restart now.
Now try running the desired program. The CLR20r3 Error should not appear this time.
2) Run an SFC Scan
If updating the operating system hasn’t solved the problem, you must run the System File Checker (SFC) scan to see if the updates have been installed properly. SFC scan can identify errors (occurred while updating Windows 10) and fix them with a click of a button.
Follow the steps given below to run the SFC scan.
Step 1:
Open Command Prompt by typing the keyword in the search box located at the bottom-left of the screen. Right-click on the Command Prompt option displayed in the list. Select Run as administrator.
Step 2:
Once the Command Prompt window pops open, copy, and paste the following command “DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth.”
Hit Enter. The SFC scan will begin in a few seconds. The whole process can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes.
Step 3:
Upon completion of the SFC scan, the system will show a message “The operation completed successfully.” Copy and paste the command “sfc /scannow.” Hit Enter.
Step 4:
Next, you will see a message “Verification 100% complete.” Type exit.
3) Reset Your PC
By choosing to reset your Windows 10 PC, you get to reinstall the operating system while keeping the personal files and settings as they were before. Even the pre-loaded and post-loaded apps remain intact. This may not be the quickest way to get rid of the CLR20r3 Error, but it works for most people.
Step 1:
Open Windows Settings by first clicking on the Windows Start icon located at the bottom-left corner of the screen. Further, you will see a drop-down menu. Click on the option with the gear icon.
Step 2:
A new window will appear. Scroll down till you see Update & Security. Click on it.
Step 3:
In the left pane, select Recovery.
Step 4:
On the right-hand side, you will see a button (under the Reset this OC section) labeled “Get started.” Click on it and let Windows Reset automatically.
4) Clean Windows XP/Vista DRM Cache
Just like your web browser accumulates the temporary files and information on local memory, Windows XP/Vista operating system saves temporary files, programs, settings, etc. for the time being. You can clean the DRM cache with the help of PC cleaner software, but I am assuming you don’t have it installed.
Follow the instructions given below to clean the DRM cache manually.
Step 1:
Open Command Prompt by typing the keyword in the search box located at the bottom-left of the screen. Right-click on the Command Prompt option displayed in the list. Select Run as administrator.
Step 2:
For Windows XP, copy and paste the following two commands in the Command Prompt window.
dir /s %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Cache\*
dir /s %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Cache\*
Step 3:
Windows Vista users copy and paste the following two commands in the Command prompt window.
dir /s %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Cache\*
dir /s %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Cache\*
5) Update .Net Framework
The Error can also occur due to running a program like MTG Arena on an outdated .Net Framework. To get rid of the Error, you simply have to download and override the previous version of .Net Framework. You can download the genuine version of .Net Framework from the Microsoft website.
Frequently Asked Questions About the CLR20r3 Error
1) I am using VS 2010 and .Net Framework 4 to develop an Android app. I have developed the app and tested it on my personal computer, but when I run on another PC, I am getting the CLR20r3 Error.
Try updating the Windows operating system. Such errors are common in outdated virtual operating systems.
2) I have created a windows application using 2010 and MySql as my database. It is running fine on my computer, but when I run it on another Windows (on a Windows machine and not via Boot Camp) computer, it gives me CLR20r3 Error.
Since the issue is occurring on a dedicated Windows machine and not on a virtual operating system, you must look for missing files first.
As you already know, a Windows project runs on a .Net Framework. The test computer and the development machine should have the same version of .Net Framework. Also, see if all the essential libraries are imported on the test computer.
3) I have been playing the survival game called “Unturned” for quite some time. I never had any problems with the gameplay. Recently I installed an update for the Unturned Server Organiser. Since then, I am not able to run the game. The system throws CLR20r3 Error.
Updating the .Net Framework won’t do any good to you. This is what you should do.
Create a shortcut on your desktop with the file location “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Unturned\Unturned.exe” -batchmode -nographics +secureserver/PyXGames.”
The executable file Unturned.ext might be located somewhere else in your machine. So, make sure you add the correct file location. Now double-click on the file and see if everything runs fine.
I understand how annoying it is to encounter an error code with lines of code that you probably don’t fully understand. Such errors are common when you are trying to run programs compiled on another machine. Naturally, there is going to be some discrepancy between the test computer and the development machine.
Let us know if the solutions mentioned above helped you get rid of the CLR20r3 Error. Also, don’t forget to post your suggestions or opinions.