How to fix Blue Screen Error in Windows which is also known as BSOD or Blue Screen of Death. One оf thе mоѕt соmmоn but mоѕt ѕеrіоuѕ соmрutеr еrrоrѕ thаt PC users mіght encounter would be thе Bluеѕсrееn Wіndоwѕ рrоblеm. Aѕ thе term implies, whеn thіѕ рrоblеm occurs, the соmрutеr’ѕ monitor displays a blue screen, mоѕt оftеn wіth error mеѕѕаgе оr еrrоr соdеѕ. These errors can be caused by both hardware and software issues, and it can be difficult to troubleshoot the problem.

Reasons for Blue Screen Error in Windows
Following are the common reasons for Blue Screen of Death
- Corrupted registry files
- Hardware failure like faulty RAM or Hard Drive
- Malware or Virus programs
- Incompatible Driver software

Tips to fix the Blue Screen Error or BSOD
- Undo recent changes using System Restore – System Restore is the easiest thing to try first. It can undo recent changes to your computer’s system files that might have caused the problem. System Restore doesn’t affect your personal files, such as email, documents, or photos.
- Use Action Center to check for solutions to problems – Windows creates a report when certain hardware or software problems occur. Action Center can check whether there’s a solution to a reported problem.
- Check Windows Update for software updates – Recent updates from Microsoft might help fix the problem. Windows Update helps keep your computer up to date with the latest system updates and drivers.
- Make sure you have the latest driver for the device installed – installed. You can typically find drivers on the device manufacturer’s website. Most drivers are self-installing—after you download them, you can usually just double-click the file to begin the installation.
- Use safe mode to troubleshoot problems – Safe mode starts Windows in a limited state. Only the basic files and drivers necessary to run Windows are started, which can help you troubleshoot software problems.
- Check your computer for hard disk and memory errors – Some errors can be caused by problems with your computer’s hard disk or random access memory (RAM), rather than problems with Windows or other software running on your computer.
If you can’t recover Windows in any other way, you can reinstall Windows using your original Windows 7 installation disc or setup files.
Reinstalling Windows will delete any programs you’ve installed and will restore the default Windows settings. You’ll need to restore your user files, and reinstall any programs you’ve installed using the original installation discs or files.
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