Before you begin optimizing your Windows 10 for Gaming, I’d like to call your attention to the fact that to get the best performance from your Windows 10 machine, you first need to have adequate hardware installed. Back in the old days, tweaking the older versions of Windows was the only way to optimize the gaming PC.
However, things have changed. Windows has become smarter and it won’t let you trick it as easily. Having said that, to optimize your Windows 10 PC for gaming, there is still some tweaking you need to do. Read this post till the end and make sure you make the said changes in your system.
The Best Way to Optimize Your Windows 10 PC for Gaming
Disable Nagle’s Algorithm
Disabling Nagle’s Algorithm can help boost your PC’s gaming performance. But trick only works for some online games. So, try it out and see how it works. You can always enable Nagle’s Algorithm without any issues. You are not making a change in the system files. This is a legit way to optimize your PC for gaming.
Here’s how you can disable Nagle’s Algorithm on your Windows PC
Step 1: Open Windows Registry
To open Windows Registry, simply go to the search box at the bottom left of the screen and type the search query run. Next, type the command Regedit. Hit enter.
Step 2: Find your IP address
Before you move ahead, you need to find your system’s IP address. To do this, head to the command prompt and type ipconfig. Hit enter. Copy the series of numbers displayed in front of the label IPv4 Address. This is your system’s IP address.
Step 3: Locate the Interfaces folder in the Registry Editor
Press Alt+Tab and go to the previously opened Registry Editor window. To locates the Interfaces folder, simply paste the following address into the address bar (as shown in the image): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces
In the Interfaces folder, you will see a number of folders identified by a combination of letters and numbers.
Step 4: Find the correct folder within the Interfaces folder
This is where things get a bit cumbersome. You need to open every folder and look for the one containing a file identified by your system’s IP address. Most probably, the file you are looking for will be named DhcpIPAddress and you will see your IP address in the Type column.
Step 5: Create DWORD values
In the same folder, you need to create two new files by Right click→ Create DWORD value. Name the first file TcpAckFrequency and the other TCPNoDelay. Lastly, you need to open each file and set the parameter as 1. Simply double-click the file and you will see a window asking you the parameter. Hit Ok. That’s it! The Nagle’s Algorithm is now disabled on your PC.
Since this post is all about optimizing your Windows PC for gaming, I am not going to go into the nitty-gritty of Nagle’s algorithm. You don’t really need to know what it does. Still, if you wish to know more about it, then head to this Wikipedia page and read all about it.
Nagle’s algorithm was developed in the 80s to help people browse the internet faster as the download speeds were understandably quite low back then. You can do it without it in 2020.
Also Read- How to Turn on Bluetooth on Windows 10?