Resolve The Canon Printer Won’t Connect to Wi-Fi Issue


Sometimes when you are going to give a command to the Canon printer, you are going to get an error showing ‘Canon won’t connect to WiFi’. It is among the most common issues that you can face while you giving your Canon printer command. 

Right now, we are going to discuss whether what are the real causes behind this error and what steps must be taken in order to resolve these issues. This can be really annoying to see that your printer is showing you this error and there is nothing that you can do to resolve it. 

The most irritating feeling is when you are going to print something very urgent and you are able to do nothing. Your printer might need some change which is why it must be causing this issue. 


The first thing that you need to do is to understand the issue and why it is showing offline when the USB is plugged and it is connected to the Wi-Fi. 

Here is how you can successfully resolve the Canon printer not connecting to WiFi issue:

You need to follow the step by step guide or the troubleshooting steps that can help you resolve the issue. The first that you need to start with is the most basic steps. This is to save your time and make sure that your printer starts to show online with the right steps. 

The first step that you need to start is with resetting the printer. Resetting the printer has been known to solve various issues related to the Canon printer. 

If you see that it is not able to resolve this issue, then you need to try more advanced troubleshooting steps that may help you resolve the issue. 

  • The first step that you need to follow is to test and check all the cable connections that are there with your printer. Make sure that you check your laptop as well as your router. Also, check the connection between the laptop router and printer and whether or not it is operating well or not. 
  • Another thing that you need to make sure is that all the USB cables are properly connected and the printer is switched on or not. 
  • After that take a deep look at the tray of the printer and see for any paper jams if there are any. After that make sure that the printer is attached to the Wi-Fi and it is aligned nicely within the tray of the printer. 
  • Sometimes the issue is with the update which is why you might be facing the Canon printer won’t connect to WiFi issue. What you need to do is to click the Apple menu and then look for any updates that are still left to install. 
  • You need to restart your device by selecting the restart options from the Apple menu. 
  • You can even open the document that you need to print. You can press ctrl+p in order to give the printer to print the option and see whether or not the printing is working now or not. 

Faulty hardware:

Well, among some of the most common reasons, faulty hardware is sometimes the issue that might be causing the hardware not to work properly. If you think that some parts might have gone outdated, then you may disconnect that part from the printer and stop the printing. 

Make sure that you get in touch with the Canon printer’s assistance if this is the case. 

Wireless connectivity:

When you are using the Canon printer on mac, make sure that the USB connection is made correctly. It can be the issue where the connection made is faulty and this might be the real cause of the issue. 

Make sure the connection is working fine and intact. 

Papers in the tray:

Sometimes the main issue why the Canon printer might stay offline for too long is because of the paper jamming. There are sometimes pieces of paper that are left inside the printer that might be the real reason behind the issue. 

Make sure that you are removing these papers from the tray. After that reboot the device in order to make sure that it comes back online. 

Most of the time, this step is going to help the user in order to resolve this issue. 


By following these steps, you will be able to successfully resolve the Canon Printer Won’t connect to WiFi. If you see that after all this you are still not able to resolve the issue, then get in touch with the Canon printer tech support. They are going to help you with the proper and right resolution to the issue. 

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