Microsoft Ad features kids with special needs was the Best thing about Super Bowl

Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial

Like you we were also excited about Super Bowl this year. 

As like every time we were enjoying with our friends having snacks, drinking juice & watching a stiff competition between two of the best NFL Teams going against each other. It was going great & like every time commercials were running between plays. No doubt these commercials are super creative!

But here comes the best part of event as Microsoft Ad comes to display & it was none other than a magic. Yes you heard it right, A magic or infact the best commercial in super bowl with perfect message. As Microsoft Ad features kids with special needs to promote it’s Adaptive controller, and now officially “everyone can play.”

Although game didn’t live up to our expectations but Microsoft featured commercial was the best thing about the event. As many people got emotional & said this was the main highlights of Super Bowl that brings the real product “XBox Adaptable controller”.

This amazing commercial displays the lovely boys & girls who has immense love for video games & loves to play with their friends & families. But the sad thing was they struggled to make the Average controllers, Remote controllers & Joysticks to work for them. It was difficult for them to handle those controllers once. 

But now thankfully Microsoft have come up with a brilliant idea for this situation & they will be releasing “Microsoft Adaptive Controller“. This Adaptive controller was built with an incredible amount of sensitivity & enables gamers with limited mobility to create their own custom versions & features a straight interface as well. 

This makes things well for Gamers & now they can easily enjoy unlimited with their friends & family. No doubt these special kids were True highlights of show, As we stand & say “When everyone plays, we all win.”  

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