Again Microsoft has stood up with another update. Microsoft has announced that now Microsoft word will edit your document for political correctness. This update looks somewhat creepy. Doesn’t it? Now Microsoft word can sneak into your document to correct things that are not appropriate according to the political niche.

The development in technology has bought many revolutions and one of them is AI (Artificial Intelligence). The updated version of Microsoft word will make the use of AI to sneak into your document. It will not only correct the grammar mistakes but also political mistakes too. This news has been officially reported by the Fast Company.
Microsoft hasn’t directly announced that it will correct the political mistakes, but indirectly they meant the same. With this update, AI will help the reader to know about how long it will take to read the whole document. Moreover, it would help to decode acronyms too.
Many of the times, the articles are written in favor or in opposition of political parties leads to destruction and issues. Sometimes, these issues take a major revolution leading to mass destruction. To avoid this, Microsoft has taken this step.
It will not only help you for political correctness but also optimize your documents by picking out key points from a paragraph of text and then helping you to make a table out of that. With this, it will also underline the text or sentence or words that are particularly politically sensitive and doesn’t imply with the guidelines. Apart from this, it will ask you to replace them.
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