Online Therapy Is Revolutionary: Here’s Why

This article will show you how the world will change by making mental health treatment more mainstream and accessible to everyone
How Technology Is Changing Mental Health Care

A lot of amazing technological advancements have been made that have changed the way we go about our daily lives, but one of the most recent ones to pop up and gain traction over the last decade or so have been online counseling and therapy services. This article will discuss how online therapy has been a game-changer in so many people’s lives and perhaps if you haven’t tried it already, it will become a valuable asset for you too.

It Makes Full Use Of Technology

Smartphones, powerful computers, high-speed internet, crystal clear cameras, and microphones are just a few types of technology that are very accessible to people nowadays and online therapy takes full use of it to bring a unique yet familiar and effective experience to its users.

Instead of making an appointment to sit in an office, you can connect to a professional by using whichever device you prefer and have a seamless face-to-face interaction with them as if you were there in person. Aside from this, texting and email are also an important part of online therapy, and people are allowed to message their therapists freely, even outside of scheduled appointments.

The use of technology opens doors for many other benefits as well, which you will learn about as you continue to read.

It Makes Scheduling Easy

Many people have devices that can make use of these services, but the technology also brings about other perks that make it easier for them to get mental health treatment.

For example, because online therapy services contract countless professionals, it makes it easy to find someone who can work within your schedule. Inflexibility with appointments, which is common with in-person therapy has been a deterrent for many people, and now people can get the help they need, stress-free.

On the other hand, people might have tight or ever-changing schedules that prevent them from regularly seeing a therapist in person. This is especially true for people who are obligated to take care of others, such as parents. You can also find more parenting resources here:

It’s More Affordable

The cost of traditional therapy methods has also been problematic for many people too, and online therapy is much more affordable than visiting someone in an office, which can be an expensive hourly rate.

Instead, online therapy is typically based on a subscription model, which is much more approachable and you will get more out of your money – help doesn’t end with your scheduled sessions; you’ll be able to communicate with your therapist at varying times and also gain access to other helpful resources.

Therapy doesn’t have to be costly, and online therapy does a great job of making it feel like you’re investing in yourself without breaking the bank.

It’s Available To Anyone

Aside from time and cost being important factors in whether or not people choose to try to get mental health treatment, online therapy uses technology to close the gap in terms of overall access to treatment.

Not everyone is able to actually attend in-person sessions for various reasons – some individuals might live in an area that doesn’t have the treatment that they need or they have to commute a long distance for it and there are plenty others who might not be physically capable of going.

The remote nature of online therapy helps solve this issue and is more accommodating for different people in varying locations or different walks of life.


Technology in itself is wonderful, but the things that have been established by making use of it are even better. Online therapy is one of those innovations, and hopefully, the points mentioned throughout this article have shown you how it’s changing the world by making mental health treatment more mainstream and accessible to everyone.

Author – Marie Miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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