What Are The Different Types of Cybersecurity?

A concise guide that maps out the 5 different types of cybersecurity that are used by businesses and enterprises to safeguard their data assets in 2021 and beyond. This includes critical infrastructure security, application security, network security, cloud security and IoT security.
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Taking a look at cybersecurity education online? This is a great way to improve your career options in 2021 and beyond!

The cybersecurity and information technology (IT) sectors are developing at an untold pace and it won’t be slowing down any time soon. Companies of all shapes and sizes need to address risks that evolve every day and keep up with network security and data regulations that change all the time. As such, it’s no wonder that cybersecurity experts are in demand around the globe.

1.    IoT (Internet of Things)

The official definition of the internet of things (IoT) is ‘physical objects that are embedded with sensors, processing ability, software, and other technologies, which connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet or other communications networks’. This includes connected objects that collect and exchange data, such as thermostats, cars, lights, fridges, and other appliances.

Smart televisions, WiFi routers, printers, and security cameras form part of the IoT as well. Since these objects are connected to the internet, they are vulnerable to hacking as well. This is especially the case for connected cars and OEMs are having to ensure vehicles are fully protected by embedded automotive cybersecurity solutions for both safety and security.

2.    Cloud

In essence, the ‘cloud’ refers to software and services that run on the internet, instead of locally on your own computer. It provides on-demand availability of system resources, such as data storage and computing power. As such, it enables users to access the same centrally-stored apps and files from devices like smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Cloud security is a very serious business since the companies that provide these services have to ensure that their clientele’s data is safe at all times. This is why companies like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Alibaba cloud employ some of the most seasoned and sought-after cybersecurity experts in the business. 

3.    Network

A company’s internal networks should always be safeguarded as best as possible against unauthorized intrusion. Just think of all the valuable information stored on computers, devices, and servers in any given business. Even if just a portion of it were to be hacked, the recipient of the information could cause havoc by crippling internal systems, demanding ransoms, etc.

Network security keeps internal data secure by controlling access to the infrastructure. This includes strategies like password identification, encryption, firewalls, antivirus programs, and, most recently, machine learning. ML helps network administrators to identify suspicious traffic and alerts so they can respond to it quickly and effectively.

4.    Application

Application programs, commonly referred to as apps, are computer programs that have been designed to carry out specific tasks other than the basic functions of the device on which it is used. This type of software can be installed and run on computers, smartphones, and tablets. There are various kinds, including native, web, and hybrid apps. Some of the most popular apps globally include TikTok, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, and Messenger.

Application security leverages software and hardware-related strategies to combat external threats that can crop up during the dev stage of a new app. Since these programs are so accessible over networks, it calls for safeguards like antivirus programs, firewalls, and encryption.

5.    Critical infrastructure

In our modern society, there are critical infrastructure systems on which we are heavily reliant. This includes things like our electricity grids, water purification plants, traffic lights, shopping centers, and hospitals. As soon as a part of systems like these are connected to the internet (as they mostly are) it becomes vulnerable to interference and attack.

This is why the organizations in charge of these systems have to ensure that it’s properly secured and keep up with their due diligence in this regard. Additionally, any business that is reliant on critical infrastructure for its day-to-day functioning should have contingencies in place in the event that they are affected by an attack.

Final Thoughts

The 5 main types of cybersecurity include critical infrastructure security, application security, network security, cloud security, and IoT security.

Leveraging cybersecurity education online can improve your career options in many ways. The growth potential within the IT and cybersecurity sectors is rather amazing. Companies are investing more each year to protect and facilitate their data assets. Make a bold move by accessing cybersecurity education online to get in on this career-boosting action.

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